Tuesday 18 January 2011

Mummy I want a doll that has the same colour skin as me!!

Black Dolls Ethnic dolls, Multicultural dolls!.. whatever you want to call it .... they are HARD to find!!! .. I mean where do you go to get one?!!
Oh yeah there is that Brown Bratz doll but she looks just like the white ones with her face painted brown and what 'multicultural' parent is really going to let their child dress like a Brat... Then there is that Bald headed doll that they make!!.....know you and I both know that children of colour are not born bald!!! lets keep it real!
So here I am with my 4 year old asking me for a black doll and I was left with brown bratz or bald baby brown thing!... I was like 'NO way!' I want something cute... something that reflects how beautiful our children of colour really are... so i went online.....'ahhhh the wonderful worldwide web!
I was so disillusioned... I mean the web has everything doesnt it? HA! I was foolish... first I couldnt find anything well actually thats a lie I found Black dolls = sexy lingerie for women!... I nearly gave up.. but my daughters little face asking me for a doll that was the same colour as her!.... I was determined.. I kept searching and searching and searching and...well you get the idea! I was searching Hee! hee!
After a few weeks....I eventually found a few sites...and with complete excitement I called my daughter into the room.. I said 'baby girl I have found some.. come and have a look!'  my daughter came and sat on my lap and she was bouncing up and down with excitement.. I opened the website and to my horror I saw....
Little Keyden is a 17 inch vinyl play doll from Lee Middleton
LOOK AT THE EYES!!!... my daughter looked at this doll and she said 'EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW! mommy thats not cute!'  I was laughing till tears came out my eyes.... and of course she was right.. these dolls are not at all cute!
So guess what..  I was searching again... then I came across some more but I started to notice a pattern.... Every black doll I found was in USA! I dont know about you but I was skeptical at first. Why couldnt I find a company in England... are we still that backwards that we do not mass produce Black dolls.. have we brainwashed our children to really believe that Brown Bratz is acceptable!
Well that was it for me.. I gave in and  ordered the ones from america and to my surprise they were Barbie dolls with real ethnic features... the nose, the lips...even the bottom!.... I was impressed.  But I was not happy.  Why do I need to order all the way from America.. that is not fair.  I want access here!
AND that is where my story starts.....and NubiDollz was born.... http://www.nubidollz.co.uk/

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