Tuesday 29 March 2011

NubiDollz Black & Multi-Ethnic Book of the Week

Giant Hiccups

Written by Jacqui Farley

Illustrated By Pamela Venus



Ayesha is a busy giant (not the fee-fe-fo-fumming kind), but her hiccups disrupt a quiet town on the hill. When the townspeople meet her, however, a friendship develops.

A new look at the giant tradition.

Age 0 - 5yrs

Available from:


Random House Group


EAN: 9781870516273
Format: Paperback
Published: 1 Feb 1994




Thursday 24 March 2011

NubiDollz Black & Multi-Ethnic Doll of the Week



They are trendy, urban, cute and all the little girls want to play with them. Their dress sense is stylish and that's why every little girl can relate to these dolls. They are fun to play with.
Part of the Paolo Reina Best Friends Club Collection
She stands at 32cm tall

Recommended Age 3yrs+




NubiDollz - Journey of a Black Doll

Dear NubiDollz Diary

16th March 2011

So this week I have been spending time trying to find a 'doll creator'... I am not even sure what the official name for a person who creates dolls is.. all I know is I need someone who can take the image of the doll that I want to create and turn it into a real prototype of a doll.

I am learning that people like that are basically hidden.. its like they live in a secret doll society!... anyway I managed to find one lady who I touched base with briefly this week and she is very interested in working with me to do what we need to do to get the job done..LOL  I am so grateful that I managed to find her!

I guess that I am one step closer to my goal so keep watching this space.. and before you know it a whole new NubiDollz  doll will be created!

I am so excited, anxious and nervous all at once...

Till next week diary...



Wednesday 16 March 2011

NubiDollz - Journey of a Black Doll

Dear NubiDollz Diary

16th March 2011

So this week I have been spending time trying to find a 'doll creator'... I am not even sure what the official name for a person who creates dolls is.. all I know is I need someone who can take the image of the doll that I want to create and turn it into a real prototype of a doll.

I am learning that people like that are basically hidden.. its like they live in a secret doll society!... anyway I managed to find one lady who I touched base with briefly this week and she is very interested in working with me to do what we need to do to get the job done..LOL  I am so grateful that I managed to find her!

I guess that I am one step closer to my goal so keep watching this space.. and before you know it a whole new NubiDollz  doll will be created!

I am so excited, anxious and nervous all at once...

Till next week diary...



Tuesday 15 March 2011

NubiDollz Black & Multi-Ethnic Book of the Week

What Will I Be?

by Dawne Allette



A rhyming romp through the world of jobs. Tyra considers all kinds of possible work for when she is grown up…

But first of all she must learn how to spell.


Available from Tamarind Books


Download Activity Sheet  


Author: Dawne Allette
Illustrator: Paul Cemmick
ISBN: 1870516818
EAN: 9781870516815
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 32
Publication Date: 05/04/2006
RRP: £5.99

Monday 14 March 2011

NubiDollz Black & Multi-Ethnic Doll of he Week!

Paola Reina Peques de Meones (Little Ones)




Paolo Reina's range of cute, adorable, sweet and anatomically correct set of 'Meones'.

This beautiful little doll is 22cm tall and drinks from a bottle and can use the toilet. Oh how sweet!

Recommended Age 3yrs+

Thursday 10 March 2011

NubiDollz - Black & Multi-Ethnic Toy Search

So once again my daughter comes up to me and says... "Mommy, how come none of our board games have brown faces on the front or brown people inside?"


Well you know I saw that as a challenge from my daughter because the first time she came to me with a question like that.. well I started NubiDollz!


So I went on an internet search because that is the best place to start.. I managed to find quite a few options out there...not a lot... just a few and I decided to blog about it to help other parents out there who are trying to find black & multi-ethnic resources for their children... or toys with brown faced people!


Well today I searched Google and found the following:-   

Nubian Jak Board Game

The award winning board game Nubian Jak has been available on general release in the UK and US since 1995. A fourth series, The Windrush Edition was also  released at the British Toy and Hobby Fair in January 2006.

The game is ideal for any social gathering, whether with friends or family. The minimum age to play the game is 11 and can be played from 2 to 24 players.

Erroneously dubbed “the black (or Urban) Trivial Pursuits” what sets Nubian Jak board apart from other games and has made it a stunning "World First" is the fun and exciting way it makes information from a global perspective, accessible to the masses in an entertaining format.

The game requires players to use strategy, skill and a bit of luck to “Out Jak" and and "Chill Out" opponents while trying to get three Pyramids to three new Jak Zone.


I was extremely suprised to find this game and even more surprised that it has been on general release since 1995!  I know that I was not living in London in 1995 so does that mean it was only released in London?.. and I would also like to know if it is still available today? 

If you have the game or have heard of this game please feel free to leave your comments / feedback.  I will definately attempt to purchase this game and I am also realising that this quest to find Black & Multi-Ethnic Toys is going to cost me a fortune LOL!


















Wednesday 9 March 2011

NubiDollz - Journey of a Black Doll

Dear NubiDollz Diary

9th March 2011

Okay, so I have finally decided that maybe I should start my own line of Black & Multi-Ethnic Black Dolls... it seems only right seeing as I love dolls so much.  Also the fact that I strongly believe in the following words 'See a need! Fill a need!'

I mean is it just blatantly obvious to me that when it comes to www.nubidollz.co.uk" target="_blank">Toys, Books and Dolls there is a serious lack of available resources for our children of colour, which also makes me think... How long are we going to allow it to go on!....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm but anyway I digress!

I am going to embark on a journey to create the ultimate beautiful black doll, my problem is that I am not entirely sure where to start with it so I want to put it out there to the world of doll creators, doll collectors and parents of little girls who love dolls...

What type of doll do we want for our children of color? and...

Where do I start? LOL

I asked my daughter, Rheanne (she is nearly 8 yrs old)... I said

'honey what type of doll would really make you go WOW?!'

and she said...

'Well mommy, it would have to sing, dance, talk and have the same colour skin as me'...

Well this got me thinking about how many different types of brown skin there are in the world soooooo I will have to try my best to do a doll that reflects light, medium and dark skinned children of colour,  I mean after all that is the NubiDollz tagline

'Reflecting Your Identity'

I guess I have my work cut out for me people so watch this space and lets see how far the NubiDollz Journey of a Black Doll can take us!

Till next week Diary...

Tuesday 8 March 2011

NubiDollz Black & Multi-Ethnic Book of the Week!

by Jacqui Farley

Ayesha is a busy giant (not the fee-fe-fo-fumming kind), but her hiccups disrupt a quiet town on the hill. When the townspeople meet her, however, a friendship develops.
A new look at the giant tradition.

Available from:

Author: Jacqui Farley  Illustrator: Pamela Venus
ISBN: 1870516273  EAN: 9781870516273
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 32
Publication Date: 01/02/1994

Monday 7 March 2011

NubiDollz Black & Multi-Ethnic Doll of the Week







This beautiful doll is everyone from Doll Collectors to little girls that just want a special doll to play with and her name is Kimberly. She is a lovely companion for little girls who love to dress up in pretty dresses. Kimberly is a very modern doll for today's little girls. She stands at 40cm tall

Recommended for age 3 and up

Friday 4 March 2011

NubiDollz Black & Multi-Ethnic Dolls Web Show - Coming Soon

So listen... in the next couple of weeks we will be doing a video blog of which Black and Multi-ethnic dolls are out here for you to buy for your children.  The videos will show the dolls in detail from the material the doll is made from to the clothes that they are dressed in. We will also be featuring interviews with Doll Collectors and children who absolutely love talking about their dolls...

So any doll collectors out there in Doll World that would be interested in being featured then please email us at info@nubidollz.co.uk

NubiDollz Black & Multi-Ethnic Book of the Week

Princess Katrina and the Hair Charmer



Princess Katrina has never seen any princesses with curls like hers. She’s worried because her crown keeps sliding off her head… Then, her best friend, the parrot Fussfeathers, calls Zuri, the Hair Charmer. Zuri knows all about hair like Katrina’s and shows her how to make the most of her beautiful hair.


Available from:



Tamarind Books

Christina Shingler, Illustrator: Derek Brazell
ISBN: 1870516680  EAN: 9781870516686
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 24
Publication Date: 01/03/2004




Wednesday 2 March 2011

Doll of the week!!!

This absoluely gorgeous, beautiful doll is for the most special girls.
She is a lovely companion for little girls who love to dress up in pretty dresses.
She is a very modern doll for todays little girls. She stands at 40cm tall
Recommended for age 3 and up