Wednesday 9 March 2011

NubiDollz - Journey of a Black Doll

Dear NubiDollz Diary

9th March 2011

Okay, so I have finally decided that maybe I should start my own line of Black & Multi-Ethnic Black Dolls... it seems only right seeing as I love dolls so much.  Also the fact that I strongly believe in the following words 'See a need! Fill a need!'

I mean is it just blatantly obvious to me that when it comes to" target="_blank">Toys, Books and Dolls there is a serious lack of available resources for our children of colour, which also makes me think... How long are we going to allow it to go on!....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm but anyway I digress!

I am going to embark on a journey to create the ultimate beautiful black doll, my problem is that I am not entirely sure where to start with it so I want to put it out there to the world of doll creators, doll collectors and parents of little girls who love dolls...

What type of doll do we want for our children of color? and...

Where do I start? LOL

I asked my daughter, Rheanne (she is nearly 8 yrs old)... I said

'honey what type of doll would really make you go WOW?!'

and she said...

'Well mommy, it would have to sing, dance, talk and have the same colour skin as me'...

Well this got me thinking about how many different types of brown skin there are in the world soooooo I will have to try my best to do a doll that reflects light, medium and dark skinned children of colour,  I mean after all that is the NubiDollz tagline

'Reflecting Your Identity'

I guess I have my work cut out for me people so watch this space and lets see how far the NubiDollz Journey of a Black Doll can take us!

Till next week Diary...

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