Wednesday 16 March 2011

NubiDollz - Journey of a Black Doll

Dear NubiDollz Diary

16th March 2011

So this week I have been spending time trying to find a 'doll creator'... I am not even sure what the official name for a person who creates dolls is.. all I know is I need someone who can take the image of the doll that I want to create and turn it into a real prototype of a doll.

I am learning that people like that are basically hidden.. its like they live in a secret doll society!... anyway I managed to find one lady who I touched base with briefly this week and she is very interested in working with me to do what we need to do to get the job done..LOL  I am so grateful that I managed to find her!

I guess that I am one step closer to my goal so keep watching this space.. and before you know it a whole new NubiDollz  doll will be created!

I am so excited, anxious and nervous all at once...

Till next week diary...



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